Tuesday 1:00PM – 8:00PM (or dusk)
Thursday 1:00PM – 8:00PM (or dusk)
Saturday: 10:00AM – 4:00PM
Gates open at the following times:
Tues/Thurs – 12:00PM
Saturday – 9:00AM
Weather Permitting – Please check our website before coming up.
In case of track closure, we will update the status by 11AM on Tuesdays and Thursdays and 8AM on Saturdays.
Tuesday 1:00PM – 8:00PM (or dusk)
Thursday 1:00PM – 8:00PM (or dusk)
Saturday: 10:00AM – 4:00PM
Gates open at the following times:
Tues/Thurs – 12:00PM
Saturday – 9:00AM
Weather Permitting – Please check our website before coming up.
In case of track closure, we will update the status by 11AM on Tuesdays and Thursdays and 8AM on Saturdays.
J-Day October 5th and 6th
Gates open Friday 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. ($10.00 camping per car
Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m
Sunday gates open at 6:00 a.m.
Practice Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. weather permitting.
All riders must pay $20.00 gate fee on Saturday. You can get refunded by having your band cut-off when you leave before 4:00
Sunday races begin at 8:00 a.m.
All minors must have a minor release form signed by both parents!
Per order of our insurance company, any minor riding open practice or racing at Crow Hill Motorsports Park, LLC must have the 2024 Minor Release signed and notarized by both parents! This applies to all minors at all events this year.
If both parents are present at the track they may sign the 2024 Minor Release at the track, in the presence of a track official who will have to check IDs. If one parent will not be able to make it to the track, that parent must sign and have the 2024 Minor Release notarized and then the other parent can bring it with them to the track where they can sign it in front of a track official who will have to check an ID. There is a box on the 2024 Minor Release to initial for sole guardians.
If this is your first-time riding at Crow Hill, you must bring a photocopy of the minor’s birth certificate for our file. All minors who bring the 2024 Minor Release form properly signed and notarized will be given a card stating that we have the proper documents on file. This will be good for use at all practices as well as NESC events. You will not be allowed to sign up for a race without bringing this card to sign up. The card DOES NOT eliminate the need for at least one of the parents or guardians to be present at sign up for the minor.
If your child will be attending and riding a practice or racing at Crow Hill Motorsports Park and some other adult will be bringing your child, both parents must sign and have notarized the Guardian Form appointing a legal (over 18) guardian for the day.
Beginning June 1 2024, practice will be $45.00 per person; $55.00 per family (parent(s) and minor children).
Practice bands are given out at the gate. If we are really busy, groups will be divided by Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced riders and given 15 minute motos. Colored flags will be used at the entrance to the track to let you know what group is on the track. 65cc bikes run on the mini-track. NO PIT BIKES allowed on the mini-track.
Please bring a garbage bag or some type of bag to take away any garbage you create. If you bring it in, you are to take it out.
Please respect our staff – they are here to make sure you have a safe place to ride.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Crow Hill Motor Sports Park
Required Waivers of Liabilities
Please read and note the below requirements in order to participate in track riding at our facility.
PRINT. SIGN. Bring with you.
Must present a valid Drivers License or Proof of Age.
Please complete this form if you have not practiced at Crow Hill since 2019. If you are not sure, you can email crowhillpractice@gmail.com
Minor must be accompanied by a parent. BOTH PARENTS must fill out Release Form 2 and have notarized, and a copy of birth certificate. Note: If Parent/Guardian is not present, please also include Form 3.
Must be completed & notarized by BOTH PARENTS.
If coming with a Guardian, BOTH PARENTS must fill out Form 2 & 3, notarize and bring with birth certificate.